5 Day Yoga & Horse Lover's Retreat
Highlights & what is included
4 nights cozy accommodation
Daily morning yoga class in a gorgeous space (total of 5 classes)
Yoga props and accessories
Introduction to natural horsemanship
Ground work sessions practicing natural horsmanship method with our equine friends
Complimentary 30 minute Reiki session
Delicious and nourishing whole-food plant-based breakfasts, lunches and suppers
Cleansing warm lime water brought to your room every morning
Mind-body nutrition coaching
Aromatherapy workshop
Plant bath to clease the aura
Access to a beautiful secluded freshwater lagoon where you can swim, birdwatch, meditate and relax in a hammock
Free time to rest, read, color, observe the wildlife, journal, meditate, cloud watching, etc.
A private excursion to a beautiful waterfall
Transfers to and from the local airport by mototaxi (a 15 minute ride)
Skill level: beginner & intermediate.
None of the activities require prior experience.
If you love horses and don't have the chance to interact with them as much as you would like, here is a golden apportunity to do so!
Come and hang out with Johanne and her beloved equine friends! Explore with Johanne how horse whisperers work with equines using gentle action by learning to speak horse language!
Johanne is a yoga enthusiast and horse lover. Having the good fortune of living in a gorgeous corner of the world with her equine friends, she is more than happy to invite you to come spend quality time with her in the gorgeous Amazon with Ayla and Paco. It is such a priviledge to spend time with equines.
Johanne is learning how to connect and train with them using games and the language of 'horse' (horse whispering) and is happy to share this beautiful experience with other horse lovers who have the desire to spend time with these graceful creatures in a gorgeous setting as well as practice yoga, spend time in nature and nurture themselves through various self-care practices.
Learning to communicate with horses speaking their language (by being mindful of our body language, our thoughts and intentions...) helps us stay in the present moment, it is a form of meditation!
This method of training is called natural horsemanship and here we practice Pat Parreli's, one of the best horse whisperer of our time, method called the 7 games as a way to increase our savvy with mother nature's finest animals.
This is not a horse backriding retreat as Paco and Ayla are not ready to be mounted. The goal of doing ground work, i.e playing the Parelli 7 games with them is to get them ready to eventually be ridden. We will observe them, groom them, lead them, bake treats for them, practice energy medicine on them and teach them good manners!
This wonderful retreat includes a daily two-hour yoga classe held in a stunning yoga space which looks out on the surrounding natural beauty. The soundscape (the natural chorus of wind, birds, monkeys and insects) will transport you to a place of natural serenity deep within yourself during your practice; especially in Savasana, the final resting pose. Yoga props and accessories are provided. There will be a variety of styles practiced during the retreat: Hatha, gentle, restorative, yoga Nidra, and some yoga flow. Meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques) will also be practiced daily.
If you have little or no yoga experience, the classes will be adapted and modified accordingly. Those who are not flexible are ideal candidates to begin a yoga practice. There is no competition involved in yoga, least of all with yourself. Everyone works from their own body awareness giving the best of themselves.
Every morning starts with mindfully sipping a cleansing and alkalinizing cup of warm lemon water on your porch watching nature wake up around you. We then go find Ayla and Paco and take care of them (accompany them out of night paddock to their grazing paddock, give them water, play with them...) followed by a morning yoga session and healthy breakfast. Afterwards, we'll go play with our equine friends where we will practice the principles of natural horsmanship, followed by a self-care activity (Reiki session, aromatic plant bath, essential oil workshop...). After lunch, enjoy your afternoon as your heart disires (swim in the beautiful private lagoon, observe birds and monkeys in their natural habitat, journal by the lagoon or nap in your hammock, etc.).
We end the day spending more quality time with our equine friends and admiring the gorgeous sunset benefitting from both equine and sunset therapy; both known to be soothing for the soul!
On the last day of the retreat, we will go explore the surrounding area by visiting Awashiyacu waterfall (40 meters high) which is located 15 km from Tambo Ilusión. It is possible to swim in the natural pool at its base. It is a short outing (about 2.5 hour). The area possesses a spectacular flora, boasting a large variety of orchids and ferns. Butterflies, insects and birds are also seen in the area.
Essentially, the experience during this retreat is yours to create and is sure to be rejuvenating, inspiring and unforgettable!
You will have free time each day to dedicate to no one but yourself in this lush tropical jungle setting because you deserve it!
You will be encouraged to keep a journal for the week. Suggestions and writing exercises will be provided to get you started.
Parts of the proceeds from this retreat go to improving the quality of life of our equine friends so come and make a difference in their lives.
Meet your teachers:
Ayla is a rescue mare. She was about two years old when we adopted her in 2014. She had bruises on her spine from carrying heavy loads of plantain or wood down the montains. Our staff calls her 'la princesa' as she is now spoiled!
Johanne has recently (fall of 2019) discovered the Parelli method of horse training. She was brought to tears when she realized she could develop a deeper bound with her equines using this fun and gentle method.
Paco was born on October 1st 2018. We didn't know if Ayla would give birth to a horse or mule. Paco is a handful as mules are very intelligent and have a lot of energy. Here he is playing the friendly game!
Equines are the best teachers because if they are not doing what we ask of them, we must question ourselves on how we can improve our communication skills as it is not the horse's fault if she doesn't understand us! We must learn to speak Equus – the horse's natural communication system. As Pat Perelli says: 'Horses like people who act more like horses'.
Even if you have never been near a horse... or a mule, this retreat experience will offer you the opportunity to connect with them! Simply by interacting with them without any riding can be an enriching, healing and transformative experience... if you love horses!
Detailed schedule
Day 1
15:00 Welcome drink and orientation
15:30 Pranayama and gentle yoga practice
17:30 Equine-imity sunset stroll - meet and greet Ayla and Paco
19:00 Supper
20:00 Watching videos on the Parelli method of horse training
Planning what activities we will do with our equine friends the next day so our intention is clear.
Free time for star gazing and sleep
Days 2 - 4
06:00 Cleansing lime water
06:30 Equine time: Accompany Ayla & Paco out of night paddock to their grazing paddock
08:00 Guided meditation and yoga practice
10:00 Meditative stroll to give yourself time in silence to observe the effects of the practice
10:15 Breakfast
11:00 Equine time: time to play with the horses using horsemanship method
13:00 Daily activity: (Day 2: Reiki, Day 3: herbal plant bath, Day 4: essential oil workshop, Day 5: excursion to waterfall)
14:00 Delicious plant-based lunch
15:00 Free time to swim in the lagoon, read in hammock, nap…
17:00 Equine-imity sunset stroll to take horses to their night paddock and feed them or free time
19:00 Supper
20:00 Watching videos on natural horsemanship methods
Planning what activities we will practice with our equine friends the next day so our intention is clear.
Free time to practice Trataka (candle gazing meditation)...
Day 5
06:00 Cleansing lime water
06:30 Equine time: Accompany Ayla & Paco out of the night paddock to their grazing paddock, play time!
08:00 Meditation and yoga practice
10:15 Breakfast
11:00 Private excursion to a beautiful waterfall
13:30 Lunch
15:00 Transfer to the airport (or bus station)
Carry what you have learnt from this vacation into the world
This is to serve as a general outline; activities and times may shift.
“A beginner horseperson should always have a good grasp of groundwork before getting onto the saddle. This is the main reason why round pen horse training is a must for every aspiring horse person”. Caroline Rider, Tao of Horsemanship
Join us for this unforgettable experience in the rainforest.


Single traveler
1240 USD - single room
This retreat will start again in January 2021.
Ideally, retreats start on Mondays.
Maximum participants: 1 person
Skill level: beginners and intermediate
Check in: 3:00 pm
Check out: 3:00 pm